
France's 1st decision-making tool for territorial resilience

Our decarbonization solution : ThinkCities

Create a complete digital representation of your territory by combining 2D/3D mapping with a digital urban twin. Get a 360° view of your data and a systemic analysis via over 60 indicators divided into 6 themes: Water management, Energy and Climate, Societal approaches (CSR), Mobility and Accessibility, Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Waste management.
Our customizable platform fully exploits the potential of your real-time data to simulate your decarbonization projects, providing comprehensive and accurate reports.
Air quality
Mobilité cyclable
Cycling mobility
Ilot de chaleur
Hot spots
Gestion de déchets
Waste management
Réseaux en 3D
3D networks
Étude d'impact
Environmental study
Décret tertiare
Tertiary Decree
Monitiring énergétique
Energy monitoring
Étude d'impact

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Ask for a demo of the ThinkCities application