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CIM BY ICADE – JUMEAU NUMERIQUE – PONT DE FLANDRES (75)   Icade SA is a multinational real estate investment company headquartered in Issy-les-Moulineaux, Paris, France, and is a subsidiary of Caisse des dépôts et consignations. The name is an […]


Evaluation : Economy and Energy Saint-Lô agglo (50)

Evaluation : Economy and Energy Saint-Lô agglo (50)   The Saint-Lô Agglo agglomeration community comprises 61 communes with a population of 76,127 (INSEE 2017). Territoire à Énergie Positive pour la Croissance Verte (national call for projects) and Territoire 100% énergies […]


Environmental evaluation and GIS – ACADEMIE DES ORMES (35)

Environmental evaluation and GIS – ACADEMIE DES ORMES (35)   Domaine des Ormes’ needs and expectations: Retrieve and exploit existing data (CAD). Centralize and perpetuate the site’s “technical and operational brief”. Data access, view and updating data. Exploit demanding data […]

Urban Evaluation – ZAC Poissy – SEM Citallios – IDF (92)

Urban Evaluation – ZAC Poissy – SEM Citallios – IDF (92)   Citallios, concession holder for the Rouget de L’Isle ZAC, a 10-hectare urban development project, wishes to enhance its mission with a digital tool for evaluation, decision support and […]


CIM BY ICADE – DIGITAL TWIN – PARC PORTES DE PARIS (93)   Icade SA is a multinational real estate investment company headquartered in Issy-les-Moulineaux, Paris, France, and is a subsidiary of Caisse des dépôts et consignations. The name is […]

Evaluation : Street lighting -CABOURG (14)

Evaluation : Street lighting -CABOURG (14)   Cabourg is a French commune located in the Calvados department, Normandy region. Web datavisualisation of data as part of a project management assistance mission with a view to awarding a comprehensive contract for […]

CSR and Environmental Assessment – Port of SAINT-MALO (35)

CSR and Environmental Assessment – Port of SAINT-MALO (35)   Edeis wishes to enrich its mission through a digital tool for evaluation, decision support and monitoring of the environmental and technical aspects of the Rouget de l’Isle district. Installation of […]

Coastal risk assessment: residential camping

Coastal risk assessment: residential camping   Le domaine résidentiel d’herbegment de plein air – camping en Bretagne. The site is located at an average altitude of 3.4 meters NGF. The aim of this study is to provide the campsite manager […]

Icade Rungis

CIM BY ICADE – Digital Twin – RUNGIS

CIM BY ICADE – JUMEAU NUMERIQUE – RUNGIS   The ICADE Group Icade designs, builds, manages and invests in cities, neighborhoods and buildings that are connected places with a reduced carbon footprint. 250 projects for the total resale of solar […]

Lyon confluence


La société publique locale Lyon Confluence est l'aménageur du projet urbain de reconversion du sud de la presqu'île de Lyon depuis 20 ans.



ICADE Group The ICADE Group Icade designs, builds, manages and invests in cities, neighborhoods and buildings that are connected places with a reduced carbon footprint. 250 projects for the total resale of solar energy across the entire real estate portfolio […]


KORIAN GROUP   The KORIAN Group would like to carry out an opportunity study for the solarization of its healthcare facilities. The need expressed by the KORIAN Group is to obtain a decision-making tool to plan its solar energy investments […]


COYE-LA-FORÊT Town Hall (60)

Faites de vos bâtiments une source de revenu: Collective self-consumption COYE-LA-FORÊT Town Hall (60) Context The commune of COYE-LA-FORET has embarked on a genuine energy transition program for its infrastructure and residents, with the aim of developing a collective self-consumption […]

SMILE Smartgrids – TREMPLIN’s Mission

SMILE Smartgrids – TREMPLIN’s Mission The SMILE Smartgrids association aims to promote the deployment of smart energy systems demonstration projects. To this end, and as part of its 2022-2025 roadmap, the association has launched a new pilot support offer, known […]

Normand’Innov site / Caligny – Portes de Flers

Normand’Innov site / Caligny – Portes de Flers Developed jointly by the Normandy Region, the Orne Departmental Council and the Flers Conurbation Community, this cluster of excellence has been home to leading industrial companies for the past 10 years, who […]

Anatole France School – Quéven Town Hall (56)

Anatole France School – Quéven Town Hall (56)   The Quéven town council would like to carry out an opportunity study for a solar energy self-consumption project at the Anatole France school. The challenge is to optimize the various scenarios: […]

Aiguillon Simulation on social housing buildings: Quartier Villejean RENNES (35)

Aiguillon Simulation on social housing buildings: Quartier Villejean RENNES (35)   Aiguillon Construction, a social landlord in Rennes, is understanding energy strategy through a feasibility study of 8 individual solar energy self-consumption projects on a residential block. Athénergie made it […]